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Understanding the Different Types of Filler Wire For Tig Welding and Applications

Understanding the Different Types of Filler Wire For Tig Welding and Applications

Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding is a popular technique in various industries. One of the essential components of TIG welding is filler wire, which is used to fill the gap between two pieces of metal being welded. This filler wire strengthens the weld and helps achieve a seamless finish. However, selecting the right filler wire type is crucial to get the desired results. This blog post will discuss the different filler wire types for TIG welding and their respective applications.

What are Filler Wire For Tig Welding?

Filler wires for TIG welding are generally available in solid and metal-cored forms. Solid filler wires are made of a single alloy material, while metal-core wires combine several metals like stainless steel, aluminium alloy, and nickel-chromium to provide better weld strength. Both filler wire types contain flux that helps promote sustained arc stability during welding. The filler wire size should match the thickness of the material being welded—thicker materials typically require thicker wires (i.e., 0.062″ diameter for a 1/4″ thick plate). When selecting your specific TIG filler wire type and size, it’s important to consider your application, base metal type & grade, as well as joint fit-up configuration to ensure an optimal weld performance with minimal problems or defects occurring during or after welding operations, have been completed.

Different Types of  Filler Wire For Tig Welding

There are several filler wire types for TIG welding, and the type you choose depends on the project you plan to use it for. Some popular types include mild steel, stainless steel, aluminium alloys, nickel alloys, cobalt-based alloys, copper-nickel alloys and magnesium. Each type has unique characteristics, such as strength and temperature tolerance, that must be considered when selecting one for a project. Other factors, such as cost and availability, should also be considered when deciding which filler wire best suits your needs.

Mild Steel Filler Wire

As the name suggests, this filler wire is used for welding mild steel. It contains a high percentage of iron and low carbon. It is an ideal choice for welding thin sheet metal. Mild steel filler wire is perfect for welding in the automotive industry, construction, and general fabrication.

Stainless Steel Filler Wire

This filler wire is used for welding stainless steel. It contains a high percentage of chromium and nickel, which helps to provide excellent corrosion resistance. It is commonly used in the food processing, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries.

Aluminium Filler Wire

Aluminium filler wire is used for welding aluminium and aluminium alloys. It is ideal for providing a seamless finish without any post-weld finishing. It is commonly used in the aerospace, automotive, and construction industries.

Copper Filler Wire

This filler wire is used for welding copper and copper alloys. It provides excellent electrical conductivity and is used in the electrical and electronic industries.

Nickel Filler Wire

Nickel filler wire is used for welding nickel and alloys. It provides high strength and excellent corrosion resistance. It is used in the chemical, petrochemical, and power generation industries.


In conclusion, choosing the right filler wire type is crucial for achieving a successful TIG weld. Each type of filler wire has its specific properties and applications. Therefore, it is essential to select the right filler wire for the job at hand. Knowing the different filler wire types available can help you make a more informed decision when selecting the right one for your welding needs.

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Shanti Metal Corporation is a trusted manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Filler Wires, Welding Wires, Coated Electrodes, etc. in various materials all over the world.